Books on Tape
These days, Books on Tape, doesn’t literally mean physical cassettes.
Years ago, a business near my workplace named itself the Electric Library and rented books much like video stores used to rent videos.
Since my commute was over an hour a day, this was fantastic for me.
The Progression of Books on Tape
Cassettes graduated into CD and eventually, in 2010, I joined the digital audio book world with Audible from Amazon. Since then, I’ve accumulated quite a library of digital “Books on Tape”. This is a running list of what I have “read” over the years and a brief (tweet sized) review of what I thought of each.
There is quite a blend of Fiction and non-fiction in this library.
If you’ve got a long commute or trip and are looking for the perfect audio entertainment you will find something in this list that does the trick.
Full disclosure, the links to these books are affiliate links. That means, if you click one and make a purchase I will be paid an affiliate commission thereby funding my future audio book purchases. Any support is greatly appreciated.
Under the Dome by Stephen King – Books on Tape
This was the first Book on Tape I purchased from Audible. I’ve been a Stephen King fan for a very long time. This book did not disappoint. Good pacing and plenty of twists from beginning to end.
Buy Under the Dome on Amazon.comFalse Memory by Dean Koontz
I’ll be honest, when I first started listening to this one I couldn’t really get into it. I had to come back later and finish it. When I did I did end up enjoying it.
Buy False Memory on Amazon.comThe Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson – Books on Tape
I got the book on tape version of this after reading the paperback of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. All three of the books in this series held my attention and kept me up well past a decent bed time.
Buy The Girl Who Played With Fire on Amazon.comThe Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson – Books on Tape
The third installment was just as exciting as the first two. I enjoyed that each novel didn’t just follow a pattern but presented a story of its own.
Buy The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest on Amazon.comInto Thin Air by Jon Krakauer
The author of this book received a lot of criticism over his account and the actions depicted in it. It really is a devastating account.
Buy Into Thin Air on Amazon.comCathedral by Nelson Demille – Books on Tape
Stephen King listed this book on his reading list in his book, On Writing. It’s an intriguing story that keeps you facinated all the way to the end.
Buy Cathedral on Amazon.comFull Dark No Stars by Stephen King – Books on Tape
I get very excited when Stephen King releases a short story collection. This one was terrific.
Buy Full Dark No Stars on Amazon.comWhat Got you Here Won’t Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith and Mark Reiter
During a management leadership course this was assigned ‘reading’. It was useful to help determine the characteristics that needed to develop to help me move to a higher level of performance.
Buy What Got you Here Won’t Get You There on Amazon.comThe $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau – Books on Tape
I’m a student of entrepreneurship, specifically micro-entrepreneurship. This book hits that nail on the head.
Buy The $100 Startup on Amazon.comThe Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
Momentum and persistence are capable of producing amazing results. This book unlocks the knowledge you need to understand about habits.
Buy The Power of Habit on Amazon.comQuitter by Jon Acuff
I like Jon Acuff. I read pretty much everything he writes. This puts perspective and meaning to the drudgery of 9 to 5 grind.
Buy Quitter on Amazon.comI’m Feeling Lucky by Douglas Edwards – Books on Tape
The story behind the rise of Google is fascinating. The inside story is even more so. I listened to this one multiple times.
Buy I’m Feeling Lucky on Amazon.comOutliers by Malcolm Gladwell
10,000 Hours to become a master at a skill. This book popularized that knowledge. Learned a lot from this book, just a little desne at times.
Buy Outliers on Amazon.comTalent is Overrated by Geoff Colvin
Not very memorable. I have only a vague recall of the concepts presented. Didn’t light my fie.
Buy Talent is Overrated on Amazon.comStart With Why by Simon Sinek – Books on Tape
Practical, actionable advice on how to understand and drive your motivations.
Buy Start With Why on Amazon.comWinning Every Time by Lis Wiehl
How to approach life and strategy like a lawyer. Some good tactics but the analogy will like rub some people the wrong way.
Buy Winning Every Time on Amazon.com11-22-63: A Novel by Stephen King – Books on Tape
King imagines the most popular Time Travel destination of modern times, the Kennedy Assassaination. Very rich story. Thouroughly enjoyable.
Buy 11-22-63: A Novel on Amazon.comMaking It All Work by David Allen
Not as good as Getting Things Done.
Buy Making It All Work on Amazon.comWinning by Jack Welch and Suzy Welch
I didn’t take much away from this book that has stuck with me. The stories of Jack’s career were interesting but not life changing.
Buy Winning on Amazon.comSteve Jobs by Walter Isaacson – Books on Tape
‘Not effing blue enough!’ is my favorite Jobs quote in the book. One of my must reads for anyone. Read it today!
Buy Steve Jobs on Amazon.comHow to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Another that I’ve read repeatedly. I’ve got the audio and print versions. Good, strategic life lessons.
Buy How to Win Friends and Influence People on Amazon.comZen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig
I had a friend that pushed me for years to read this book. I finally listened to the audio version but wasn’t over the moon about it.
Buy Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance on Amazon.comOn the Road by Jack Kerouac
I know this is a classic but it wore me out. I got though it. Never again.
Buy On the Road on Amazon.comGood to Great by Jim Collins – Books on Tape
This is a strategy, well researched on how to manage a company to success. I’ve read it multiple times.
Buy Good to Great on Amazon.comRose Madder by Stephen King
Not one of my favorite Stephen King novels but creatively imaginative. Try it, you might like it.
Buy Rose Madder on Amazon.comIn The Plex by Steven Levy
Not as good as I’m Feeling Lucky but still about Google so 3 of 5 stars.
Buy In The Plex on Amazon.comManagement by Peter F. Drucker
More of a textbook than a narrative. Tons of information but difficult to push through due to the density of the material.
Buy Management on Amazon.comFree Marketing 101 by Jim Cockrum
Buy Free Marketing 101 on Amazon.comThe Drawing of the Three by Stephen King – Books on Tape
My favorite in the Dark Tower series. Stands fully on its own and fits perfectly in the series. A must read.
Buy The Drawing of the Three on Amazon.comThe Gunslinger by Stephen King – Books on Tape
The beginning of the Dark Tower series. Meet Roland. This one was a 5 star for me until I read The Drawing of the Three
Buy The Gunslinger on Amazon.comTribes by Seth Godin
A good understanding of the people the follow personalities, products and brand and what motivates them.
Buy Tribes on Amazon.comDeeply Odd by Dean Koontz
A solid entry in the Odd Thomas series. I had more questions than answers when it was over.
Buy Deeply Odd on Amazon.comThe Lean Startup by Eric Ries – Books on Tape
Look inside the anatomy of a startup to learn the ways of the startup.
Buy The Lean Startup on Amazon.comThe Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
This one I had to stop then start again. The insights are eye opening but you need to be ready to absorb them.
Buy The Black Swan on Amazon.comScrew Business as Usual by Richard Branson
Nothing earth shattering that I hadn’t seen beofore.
Buy Screw Business as Usual on Amazon.comThe Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason – Books on Tape
Teaching wealth management through parables. You learn more than you realize before it is through
Buy The Richest Man in Babylon on Amazon.comThink and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
So frusrating but it keeps drawing me back. The lessons aren’t straight forward but I feel like I’ve been tuned in to a deeper message each time I read it.
Buy Think and Grow Rich on Amazon.comThe Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox – Books on Tape
If you want to understand how systems work and how to make them deliver better results read this book now.
Buy The Goal on Amazon.comThe Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
Good strategies for achieving happiness but there could be more motivation there.
Buy The Happiness Project on Amazon.comWizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla by Marc J. Seifer – Books on Tape
The life and accomplishments of Nikola Tesla are intriguing. For a brilliant mind you feel he should have left a larger legacy.
Buy Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla on Amazon.comThe Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss
Some helpful tactics and strategies but you are asked to take some big leaps.
Buy The Four Hour Work Week on Amazon.comWicked by Gregory Maguire
Entertaining but dark.
Buy Wicked on Amazon.comGuns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond
Not my cup of tea.
Buy Guns, Germs and Steel on Amazon.comLiars and Outliers by Bruce Schneier – Books on Tape
Develop an understanding of Security Theatre. Learn where the true threats are.
Buy Liars and Outliers on Amazon.comOdd Apocalypse by Dean Koontz – Books on Tape
One of the Odd Thomas series that I enjoyed the most. Likely because this entry stands on its own in the series.
Buy Odd Apocalypse on Amazon.comAwakening the Entrepreneur Within by Michael E. Gerber
This one did not resonate with me as much as The E-Myth revisited.
Buy Awakening the Entrepreneur Within on Amazon.comThe E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber – Books on Tape
I’ve read it over and over. There is a message that resonates with me in this book.
Buy The E-Myth Revisited on Amazon.com12: The Elements of Great Managing by Rodd Wagner and James K. Harter
I honestly cannot recall a single word or concept from this book. It left no lasting impression on me.
Buy 12: The Elements of Great Managing on Amazon.comInflux by Daniel Suarez
Plenty of action but not as engaging as Daemon.
Buy Influx on Amazon.comFool Moon by Jim Butcher – Books on Tape
The Harry Dresden series is fun. Mixing magic into the modern world with werewolves thrown in for good measure.
Buy Fool Moon on Amazon.comMr. Mercedes by Stephen King – Books on Tape
The first of three novels in a series. This one held my attention all the way through. Highly enjoyed it.
Buy Mr. Mercedes on Amazon.comCritical Chain by Eliyahu M. Goldratt – Books on Tape
This touches my project manager soul. Not as life changing as The Goal but still a great approach to teaching project management.
Buy Critical Chain on Amazon.comIt’s Not Luck by Eliyahu M. Goldratt – Books on Tape
The same characters from The Goal learning about marketing and market segmentation. I learned a lot about problem solving from this book.
Buy It’s Not Luck on Amazon.comWhat You’re Really Meant to Do by Robert Steven Kaplan
Nothing stuck with me from this book.
Buy What You’re Really Meant to Do on Amazon.comNo More Mondays by Dan Miller
After Reading 48 days to the Work You Love I had high expectations. They weren’t met.
Buy No More Mondays on Amazon.comFreedom by Daniel Suarez
Picking up the story of Daemon, it deleivers plenty of action and new innovation but just not with the same impact as Daemon.
Buy Freedom on Amazon.comDaemon by Daniel Suarez – Books on Tape
Nearly perfect. This reimagines the Killer AI genre as a massively multiplayer universe. Loved this book.
Buy Daemon on Amazon.comSucceed: How We Can Reach our Goals by Heidi Grant Halvorson
Nothing to write home about.
Buy Succeed: How We Can Reach our Goals on Amazon.comStart by Jon Acuff
How to jump start a project. Solid information.
Buy Start on Amazon.com